What to expect in this course

Thank you for taking the time to come here.

What I've done is add different industries together and just one of these alone can take you months to understand.

I say that so you don't get overwhelmed thinking that you won't learn it. It takes practice. You MUST study. I study something everyday.

This is a series of trainings where we spent an entire 7 days @7pm every night going over information.

Just info:

Up and coming info...

*How to get deals for $100

*How to get funded without using credit

*How to get property for pennies on the dollar

*How to get Private Money

*How Nonprofits play into doing real estate

*How to get Notes for $5K to make $50,000

*Why a company just spent over $1.3 Billion to acquire PPP loans

Basically we went in....This is the same training people are paying THOUSANDS for.

Complete and Continue